Earth Day 2021
We asked Montessori children around the world:
What does the Earth mean to you?
What are you doing to protect it?
We received videos and photos from 40 projects around the world
Earth day 2021
trailer (2 minutes)
Earth day 2021
full video (30 minutes)
Watch Montessori children around the world regenerating the Earth.
Thank you to the over 40 schools and families for contributing to this inspiring video. Thanks to Marvin Reyes for editing and to Mica Emory for the music.

The Earth Project
There’s never been more urgency to address climate change and save the planet.
And who is good at solving problems? Montessori children.
Montessori Everywhere is connecting Montessori schools and families across the globe to work together to save the planet.
Will you join us?
Free to join. More information here
Important dates
15 April 2021
Submit a video or photo to be part of our launch – NOW CLOSED
22 April 2021
1. watch & share our Earth Day video on instagram or facebook to watch
2. 6pm ET Marvin Reyes in conversation with Dr Ayize Sabater
3. 7pm ET Carlos Chiver on the AMI-USA panel
4. Registration now open here for The Earth Project – you or your school can register for free to take part in this global project
September – November 2021
A 3-month global climate change project that all children can participate in
How it works
We will be using a learning platform called Moodle where children will be working on a global project locally. This is a secure platform requiring a login and password.
The children will to connect with others around the world working on the same project in their community. They’ll be able to take part in forums, share how they are working on regenerating the planet, and arrange conversations with children in the project from all over the world.
All ages welcome. There will also be resources for schools and parents available.
The project will run for 3 months from September 2021. Registration is free to all and is now open here.

Help us to spread the word
We would love to hear from Montessori schools and children around the world to include in our launch video on 22 April 2021 for Earth day.
Help us spread the word:
* Download our PDF flyer
* Share on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter – download jpeg image here
* Use the hashtags #montessorieverywhere #theearthproject #themontessoriearthproject
Feel free to use this text:
Join Montessori Everywhere’s Earth project. Children from around the globe working together on a global project focused on regenerating our planet.
Free to join. Registration officially opens on 22 April (Earth Day) and the project runs from September 2021 to November 2021.
#montessorieverywhere #theearthproject #themontessoriearthproject