Tech for Zoom room hosts and facilitators
Firstly a huge thank you to you all for volunteering to be hosts and facilitators for our Connect cafes. What a wonderful way to celebrate Dr Montessori’s 150th birthday in conversation with Montessori folx around the globe and challenging ourselves to do
A tip from Simone – do not mute yourself when playing the clip. Turns out they were listening through my microphone and they lost sound. They helped me work it out. Love Montessorians.
Download your clips here
It’s not a bad idea for both the host and facilitator/s to have these downloaded in case there are any hiccups for any of you.
11am session: Download the clip here to save to your computer
(If you have problems, you can share via YouTube here)
2pm session: Download the clip here to save to your computer
(If you have problems, you can share via YouTube here)
5pm session: Download the clip here to save to your computer
(If you have problems, you can share via YouTube here)
8pm session: Download the clip here to save to your computer
(If you have problems, you can share via YouTube here)
There will be parents, educators, training organisations and more. So adjust the level of the conversation depending on the people that show up.
We have NO idea how many people will turn up in your cafe – it may be just you or we may fill the room. If no-one shows, it would be great to keep the room open for the hour in case anyone comes by.
The session
Welcome people to the event, the Connect Café and introduce yourself and the facilitators - HOST
Share 10 minute video clip (see above for link) - FACILITATOR
(i) Welcome everyone to the Connect Café
(ii) Thank you to hosting organization of Zoom – the people who have generously donated the use of their Zoom room
(iii) Share the goal of Connect Pavilion and networking Cafes is for Montessorians around the world to connect
(iv) Share the plan for the session:
“Speed Dating” in small groups – breakout session #1 (15 minutes)
“Speed Dating” in small groups – breakout session #2 (15 minutes)
Come back at end of hour
(v) Ground Rules – adult grace and courtesy – make space, have grace, be brave
(maybe add these to the chat to emphasise this)
(vi) Advise them the session is not being recorded to create a safe space for sharing
(vii) Start the conversation – you can come up with your own questions to discuss OR ask them what can we celebrate and where can we do better in our practice with regards to the topic of your café - HOST
Opens breakout room session #1 – 5-8 people in each (15 minutes)
Closes breakout rooms
Opens breakout room session #2 – 5-8 people in each (15 minutes)
Closes breakout rooms - FACILITATOR
If there is time, you can ask people to share what they spoke about in their groups.
Thank everyone for coming:
(i) Encourage them to go now to to attend the celebration hour coming up
(ii) Encourage them to donate to the Black Montessori Education Fund - HOST
End meeting for all
Thank you so much for being part of this. Your contribution is so appreciated.
Cheat sheets for technical aspects – Host
Here are two cheat sheets that Wendelien has prepared for the cafe hosts
- Connect Pavilion Host Guidance – download PDF
- Slides from the practice session – download PDF